Saturday, August 2, 2008

How to make your dreams a reality

What you need to know

I have been using binaural beat therapy for awhile now and have had some good success especially in lowering stress levels and meditating to a deeper level but what I didn't know was that I could reprogram my brain to accept my hopes and dreams and make them a reality.

WOW why isn't this widely known?

Is the technology too new or seen to be too far out? Is it that there are a lot of 'people' out there that don't want us to know that we are in control of our own destinys? Why isn't Jim from
The Unexplainable Store shouting it from the rooftops! He has a great product there for anyone who has an audio player.

I went to the Prosperity section of The Unexplainable Store and downloaded the MP3 called Path to Success which is 20 minutes long (just right for me and my concentration span) and added the music to my iPod, found a quiet spot and listened to it.

I have liked their products for quite awhile now but this one is something else, its fabulous. It still contains the binaural beats and the soothing relaxation music but its also a guided recording to assist with relaxation combined with positive affirmations.

The first step to success/money/your dreams is to believe, feel motivated and think optimistically. This audio recording did all that for me and more. I also feel rejuvenated and relaxed which is a bonus.

If you want to bring positive things into your life whether they be money, success, possessions or you just want to feel good about yourself then I recommend trying this audio recording. I plan on using it for raising my general feeling of wellbeing at least every second day (yes I live a busy life but realize I need to fit this into my schedule).

Good luck to you and your family and may your dreams come true.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The secret to easy and powerful hypnosis therapy

Hypnosis therapy is an ancient art and has been around in different forms for centuries and with the addition of meditation mp3 music you have the powerful combination for reaching that shift in consciousness. Listening to meditation mp3 music can be a great way to help you stay focused and motivated when meditating and especially when using self hypnosis.

While hypnosis therapy helps to overcome specific problems, meditation is holistic and helps to improve all areas of your life. Its a personal and helpful therapy, mainly used to overcome the stress and conquer bad habits and is perfect for phobias. It is possible to alter the brains frequencies and bring them down to the perfect self hypnosis state and feel the effects in minutes.

The power of meditation mp3 music gives you a fast track to the benefits of meditating without effort. Pure relaxation & calm is available quickly when you download a meditation mp3. The Unexplainable Store has a great hypnosis recording to download for $19.95 which is 30 minutes long.

Try it or you are missing out on a fantastic method for easy and powerful self hypnosis meditation.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Great results with Meditation Music

Meditation creates a sense of balance, calmness and contributes to better health but it isnt easy to master at first as the awake mind which operates in Beta state is not used to operating in Alpha (which is needed to reach a proper meditative state) but with Meditation Music the mind can, and will, drop brain frequency to achieve this in minutes.

Our lives are filled with stressors and our world is fast, fun, exciting, challenging and sometimes demanding. In moderation our bodies and minds can handle these stresses but when we reach saturation point then these feelings can be overwhelming. Meditation Music can help by reducing your stress levels dramatically. There is no right or wrong way to meditate and it is your time for you, but music can help you really focus especially if you are new to it.

I wish I knew all this when I started looking at ways to relax and focus. I found it much easier as a novice to use music as a part of the ritual that I go through. Meditation music with binaural beats lower your brains frequency to 7 HZ which helps to reach the meditation mindset quickly as well.

Binaural beats from The Unexplainable Store can assist your mind to drop brain frequency to achieve the experience of meditation very quickly. They have a lot of titles but I would like to recommend the Alpha Music Meditation download which costs just $14.99 and is 20 minutes long and is ideal for beginners like me.

I know I sound excited but just this simple change to my routine has made such a big difference even from the first time so I encourage you to try them out too.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Unlock your brain to its full potential

The Unexplainable Store is the place to buy audio files that you can save to your computer, CD or MP3 player. These recordings are called Binaural Beats and they happen when two different frequencies of audio waves are played at the same time with a frequency in each ear. When this is done your brain creates a third frequency, which is called a binaural beat, equal to the difference between those two frequencies. Sounds complicated but it works.

The Unexplainable Store offers a great selection of downloads that will bring you quickly to the deepest meditative states. I download the files to my mp3 player so I can listen to them whenever I want. I like to listen to them especially when Im traveling as they relax me before I leave. They offer a large range such as meditation, chakra tuning, shaman consciousness, astral projection, past life regression, aura viewing and Christ consciousness to just name a few.

My favorites are the stress release, prosperity and weight loss recordings. The sounds I love listening to are the sounds of the forest and waterfalls to help put me into a deep relaxed state and it really worked for me even from the first time. Its hard to explain but its like I felt a vibrational feeling come over me. See Im not explaining myself very well so maybe that is where the store got its name.

The Unexplainable Store offers a 100% 8 week money back guarantee for all their products and offer them at a very reasonable price from as low as $5. They are known for their excellent customer service and for their superior recordings and that in itself is reassuring when buying a downloadable audio product. They offer a free sample at the moment so why not try that first and see what they do for you, so directly to THE UNEXPLAINABLE STORE and let me know what you think of them.